NHS Screening Services

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening

If you are a man aged over 65 you are more likely to have an abdominal aortic aneurysm. That is why the NHS AAA Screening Programme invites men for screening during the year (1 April to 31 March) that they turn 65.

Men over 65 who have not previously been screened or diagnosed with an aneurysm can request a scan by contacting their local programme directly.


Bowel Cancer Screening

In Islington all men and women aged between 60 and 74yrs are sent a home bowel cancer screening kit in the post every 2 years. You collect a small sample of poo and post it back to the laboratory for testing - there are full instructions included with the kit! If the test suggests a trace of blood in the poo (which can be a marker of early bowel cancer) patients are then invited directly for a colonoscopy to investigate further.

For more information on bowel cancer screening click here


Breast Screening

This service is offered to women aged between 47 and 70 years. You will receive your first screening invitation by letter after your 47th birthday and prior to your 50th birthday. After this you will receive an appointment every 3 years until you are 70. After the age of 70 you can refer yourself directly by calling 020 3758 2024 or on-line via the website below.

For more information on our local screening facilities, where appointments take place, what to expect and who to contact with queries please see the London Breast Screening Website

For more information on breast screening including risks, benefits and a video of what happens during a mammogram click here


Cervical Screening

All women aged between 25 and 64 years will be invited for a cervical smear test when it is due. You can come to the drop in well-woman clinic or book an appointment with the practice nurse, GP or at i-hub.

For more information on what a "smear test" involves click here here


Diabetic Eye Screening

The NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (NDESP) aims to reduce the risk of sight loss among people with diabetes by the early detection and treatment, if needed, of sight-threatening retinopathy. More than 80 local programmes deliver screening across England.